Rebekah Howe
Crow Creek Sioux
Induction Category:
Year Inducted
Rebekah (Bekah) Howe is Crow Creek Sioux. She plays competitive pétanque and has medaled at regional, national, and international events.
Bekah started playing pétanque casually in 2012. She began competing regionally in 2014, and played her first national competition in 2015, bringing home a silver medal in the National Women’s Doubles category. In 2018 she won gold in the National Women’s Singles event and the National Mixed Doubles event.
Her first international competition was in 2022, where she represented the U.S. at the World Games in Birmingham, Alabama alongside her teammates Janice Bissonnette, Juanita Celix, and Chia Vang. In addition to the women’s team competition, Bekah participated in the precision shooting event where she took the silver medal, earning the first international medal for the United States in pétanque.
Most recently, her women’s triples team of Gerda Jorgensen and Chia Vang qualified to represent the U.S. at the 2023 Pétanque World Championships in Thailand.
Bekah believes in the power of sport to build community. She has served on the board of her local pétanque club since its inception, and encourages everyone to learn more about her favorite sport, pétanque, and come out and play.
She lives in Port Townsend, WA with her husband Silas Holm, who also plays competitive pétanque, and her dog Lou. One of her favorite sport moments was winning the 2018 National Mixed Doubles with Silas. She hopes to play pétanque well into her old age, with her walker or wheelchair if necessary.
Photo Credits: Carlos Chavez and Federation of Petanque USA