Scott Murray
Induction Category:
Year Inducted
Scott Murray was born on November 25, 1955, in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, living there until the age of 10 before his family moved to Grafton. During his time at Grafton High School, he was a two-time All Conference stand out athlete who lettered in five sports: basketball, baseball, golf, cross country, and track.
Scott attended Milton College where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Recreation Management. He was a three-year starter in basketball, scored 1,000 points in his college career and was selected as an All-WICA and All-District collegiate athlete. During his college basketball career, he was invited to play in Costa Rica and later played professional basketball in San Jose, Costa Rica. During his off time in Costa Rica, he was an English teacher. Scott was later inducted into the Milton College Hall of Fame.
Scott’s college coach, Dale Race, who coached hundreds of student athletes in his long career, made it clear that number 11 was one of his finest student athletes ever, both on and off the court. He said in his 40 years of coaching, Scott was one of the best, Scott Murray was a champion.
For many years, and up to the time of his death on December 18, 2015, Scott was the Area Manager of Fitness and Recreation for the Oneida Nation where he is an enrolled member. In addition to his important role in fitness and recreation, Scott was the well-loved and longtime Head Boys Basketball Coach at the Oneida Nation High School. He also coached the Wisconsin
Boys Basketball team at the Native American Indigenous Games where they won the Gold Medal twice.
While Scott was an exceptional athlete in high school, college, and at the recreational level, it was not without having to overcome an amazing challenge in life. Early in his high school years, Scott lost three fingers in a shop class. In spite of that traumatic experience his athlete resume’ was amazing. In his post high school and professional basketball years, he continued to be an outstanding recreational athlete regularly competing in basketball, softball, and golf.
While competing locally and nationally, Scott was a part of many local and national championships which included three National Championship titles at the National Indian Athletic Association (NIAA) 40 and over tournament. He was selected as the Co-MVP at the 40 and over national NIAA Championship in 1999.
Scott Murray passed away on the worksite doing what he loved to do. As the Area Manager of Recreation, Scott took the Nation to another level while constantly working towards making our Nation a better place. Whether it was empowering our youth to become great student athletes or building our future in recreation and sports, Scott cared about the Oneida Nation community.
The Oneida Nation Fitness Center gym is now named the Scott Murray Gym in honor of his commitment.